Tag: World Music Association of Serbia WMAS
Exhibition and guide „Serbia: Living Treasures” ...
Posted by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
Exposición y Guía „Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes” R...
Posted by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
Exposición y Guía „Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes” R...
Posted by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
塞尔维亚:生活中的财富 – 塞尔维亚手工业和贸易 – Part 1...
Posted by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
塞尔维亚:生活中的财富 – 塞尔维亚手工业和贸易 – Part 2...
Posted by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
Exhibition and guide „Serbia: Living Treasures” – Part 1
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
The project „Serbia: Living Treasures”, comprising an exhibition and a catalog, presents 16 select examples of Serbian intangible cultural heritage of greatest significance through a presentation of the individuals regarded as the most prominent bearers and guardians of these cultural traditions. The concept of „Living Human Treasures” has been recognized by UNESCO as a reference to the individuals recognized as keepers and guardians of the traditional knowledge and skills that constitute the national intangible cultural heritage.
Read MoreExhibition and guide „Serbia: Living Treasures” – Part 2
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
The project „Serbia: Living Treasures”, comprising an exhibition and a catalog, presents 16 select examples of Serbian intangible cultural heritage of greatest significance through a presentation of the individuals regarded as the most prominent bearers and guardians of these cultural traditions. The concept of „Living Human Treasures” has been recognized by UNESCO as a reference to the individuals recognized as keepers and guardians of the traditional knowledge and skills that constitute the national intangible cultural heritage.
Read MoreExposición y Guía „Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes” – Parte 1
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
El proyecto “Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes – Artesanía y oficios en Serbia”, en forma de exposición y catálogo adjunto, representa 16 elementos seleccionados del patrimonio cultural inmaterial serbio de importancia excepcional, a través de actuaciones de personas portadoras y guardianas de estos elementos. El término “Tesoros humanos vivos” está reconocido por la UNESCO y marca personas reconocidas como guardianas y transmisores de conocimientos y habilidades relevantes al concepto de patrimonio inmaterial nacional.
Read MoreExposición y Guía „Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes” – Parte 2
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
El proyecto “Serbia: Tesoros Vivientes – Artesanía y oficios en Serbia”, en forma de exposición y catálogo adjunto, representa 16 elementos seleccionados del patrimonio cultural inmaterial serbio de importancia excepcional, a través de actuaciones de personas portadoras y guardianas de estos elementos. El término “Tesoros humanos vivos” está reconocido por la UNESCO y marca personas reconocidas como guardianas y transmisores de conocimientos y habilidades relevantes al concepto de patrimonio inmaterial nacional.
Read More塞尔维亚:生活中的财富 – 塞尔维亚手工业和贸易 – Part 1
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
“塞尔维亚:人间瑰宝”项目采取展览和目录的形式,由16个经过精心挑选、重要性为最高级别的塞尔维亚非物质文化遗产元素组成,用于介绍这些元素的继承者和守护者。联合国教科文组织认可的“人间瑰宝”一词是指被公认为国家非物质遗产相关知识和技能的守护者和继承者的个人 。
Read More塞尔维亚:生活中的财富 – 塞尔维亚手工业和贸易 – Part 2
by Oliver | Dec 21, 2020 | Serbia: Living Treasures | 0
“塞尔维亚:人间瑰宝”项目采取展览和目录的形式,由16个经过精心挑选、重要性为最高级别的塞尔维亚非物质文化遗产元素组成,用于介绍这些元素的继承者和守护者。联合国教科文组织认可的“人间瑰宝”一词是指被公认为国家非物质遗产相关知识和技能的守护者和继承者的个人 。
Read MoreWMAS na Digitalnom WOMEX-u
by Oliver | Oct 21, 2020 | Promocije u inostranstvu, VESTI | 0
Najveći sajam etno muzike WOMEX biće održan od 21. do 25. oktobra, i to prvi put u digitalnom obliku. Situacija prouzrokovana pandemijom korona virusa, zahtevaće i od delegata WMAS da umesto bliskog ostvare virtuelni kontakt i da se isto tako virtuelno predstave.
Read More展览及指南:塞尔维亚鲜活的传统
by Oliver | May 29, 2020 | Serbia: Living Tradition | 0
本指南介绍了列于名录中的九项塞尔维亚音乐遗产,它们对于塞尔维亚文化和整个人类都有着特别的价值。它们是塞尔维亚不同地区鲜活的声乐、声乐-器乐以及乡村和城市器乐传统的典范。 它们是音乐表现的形式, 它们的特点与所在地区更广泛的文化和音乐形态紧密相连。在另一方面,它们极为独特,甚至是地方性的,因此被视为塞尔维亚某些地区(因此也是整个国家)的“商标”形式。将它们列入国家名录,也就确认了它们在世界民间音乐遗产中的价值。
Read MoreExposición y guía „Serbia: Tradición Viva”
by Oliver | May 29, 2020 | Serbia: Living Tradition | 0
Esta guía presenta los ocho elementos del patrimonio musical de Serbia incluidos en la Lista mencionada anteriormente, los cuales son de gran importancia para la cultura de Serbia y de toda la humanidad. Se trata de fenómenos de la música viva vocal, vocal-instrumental e instrumental, parte de la tradición rural y urbana de diferentes partes de Serbia.
Read MoreExhibition and guide „Serbia: Living Tradition”
by Oliver | May 2, 2020 | Serbia: Living Tradition | 0
This project, involving an exhibition with a guide, presents 8 elements of the musical heritage of Serbia included in the List, that are of exceptional value for the culture of Serbia and the mankind. These are examples of the living vocal, vocal-instrumental and instrumental rural and urban musical traditions from various parts of Serbia.
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Emisija je otvorena za sve muzičke događaje i ličnosti koje afirmišu izvorno muzičko stvaralaštvo. Ona okuplja istraživače, melografe, etnologe, etnomuzikologe i izvođače. Zaviruje u arhive i „muzejske eksponate”, oživljava legende, običaje, rituale – deo muzičke prošlosti koja i danas u tragovima živi u muzičkoj praksi pojedinih sredina. Prati promene varijanti izvornih pesama i njihovo putovanje kroz vreme. Drugi program Radio Beograda, od ponedeljka do petka, od 11 do 11.55h
DISCO 3000
Emisija je posvećena world music sceni, novitetima, trendovima, festivalima i novim albumima. U etru je od 2000. godine, a na Trećem programu Radio Beograda se emituje od 7. oktobra 2015. Emisiju uređuje i vodi poznavalac svetske muzike i organizator više festivala Bojan Đorđević. Treći program Radio Beograda, utorkom od 22.45h.
Put svile, kao jedinstveno “radijsko putovanje”, do marta 2023. godine nedeljom je odvodilo slušaoce u neku od zemalja povezanih sa tradicionalnim Putem svile, uz aktuelna ostvarenja iz žanra “World music” i raritetne zapise tradicionalne muzike. Arhiva svih epizoda Drugi program Radio Beograda.