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The 10th General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was held on June 11th and 12th at UNESCO HQ in Paris. The agenda included accreditation of NGOs as consultants on implementation of the Convention on a local and regional level within ICH NGO Forum.
July 2, 2024
Author: Maša Vukanović
Pročitaj ovaj članak na srpskom

Tenth session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention on the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Paris, 2024 (source:
Altogether 73 NGOs throughout the world applied for this prestigious status, but only 58 NGOs is accredited. Among 322 NGOs from all over the world, just 15 are from the Balkans.
World Music Association of Serbia is the only NGO from Serbia recognized as an organization that has the experience and expertise to help UNESCO to innovate its policy on ICH safeguarding, as well as to develop integrative approaches in heritage protection and recognizing culture as a global public good with an intrinsic value to enable and drive sustainable development!
Mutual understandings of the need to protect elements of intangible cultural heritage as a source of cultural identity, dignity and self-confidence of people and their communities around the world, and at the same time the need not to suffocate it by rigorous protective measures but to encourage its growth as intrinsic values echoed in countries around the world. Hence, UNESCO 2003 Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage is the fastest international document adopted throughout the world. At the 10th General Assembly, the family of 180 countries joined the three more countries: Republic of San Marino, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the State of Libya. Global interest in safeguarding the intangible heritage of local communities is also proven by the fact that 600 representatives of states, NGOs, international organizations and observers registered to participate at the 10th General Assembly.
Recognizing the importance if intangible cultural elements for cultural identity, dignity and self-confidence of people, their groups and communities, UN Organization for Science, Culture and Education (UNESCO) in 2003 adopted the Convention on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. The purposes of this Convention are:
(a) to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage;
(b) to ensure respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities, groups and individuals concerned;
(c) to raise awareness at the local, national and international levels of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage, and of ensuring mutual appreciation thereof;
(d) to provide for international cooperation and assistance.

Accompanying programs of the General Assembly of member states of the Convention on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Paris, 2024 (photo: Maša Vukanović)
The importance of civil society is highly appreciated by UNESCO and the State Members parties committed to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. NGOs give voices to the people and their communities to send messages to the world about values intrinsic to their (intangible) heritage.
UNESCO ICH NGO Forum is an initiative that currently gathers 322 NGOs from all over the world (including NGOs accredited at the 10th General Conference). At the General Assembly some of initiatives from the civil sector implemented by NGOs with the support of the ICH NGO Forum were presented. Take a glimpse into some of the projects:
Everyone Is Important!
Celebrating the Living Heritage of Indigenous Peoples
Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Iphan) with the support of Brazilian Government and UNESCO Secretariat launched the creation of publication which represents richness and diversity of cultural expressions of indigenous people throughout the world. Publication was presented at the 10th General Conference by Iphan and musician from Greenland.
Beyond National Registers!
Census of the intangible cultural heritage of small municipalities
NGO Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia (U.N.P.L.I.)
NGO “National Union for Local Italy” presented the project aiming to register ICH elements in 5.500 small municipalities throughout Italy. It is anticipated that through the project implementation over 200.000 ICH elements will be described. Special attention is given to the elements in danger of extinction. Project is implementing in collaboration with Associazone dei Comuni Italiani (Association of Italian Municipalities) and Instituto Centrale per il Patrimonio Immateriale (Central Institute for ICH).
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The importance of civil society is highly appreciated by UNESCO and the State Members parties committed to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. NGOs give voices to the people and their communities to send messages to the world about values intrinsic to their (intangible) heritage. UNESCO ICH NGO Forum is an initiative that currently gathers 322 NGOs from all over the world (including NGOs accredited at the 10th General Conference). At the General Assembly some of initiatives from the civil sector implemented by NGOs with the support of the ICH NGO Forum were presented. Take a glimpse into some of the projects!
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Sa predstavljanja projekta „Proslavljanje živog nasleđa urođenika“, foto: Maša Vukanović

Sa predstavljanja projekta „Proslavljanje živog nasleđa urođenika“, foto: Maša Vukanović

Članovi delegacije U.N.P.L.I. na predstavljanju projekta mapiranja elemenata NKN (izvor:
